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Mecanica Curiel: CNC machining in Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Madrid, Bilbao …

If there is a key factor in CNC machining that is, its accuracy. It is thanks to this characteristic that the CNC machining enjoys, in the production, of greater efficiency with, in addition, a greater security in the development of the process. If it were not for her, the errors and imperfections that even today, with that degree that almost brushes the excellence in the, increasingly, modernized and updated machinery by numerical computation; The objects and elements that depend on it (and that by not putting them all in the same bag, we will say that they are the great majority), would simply cease to be useful.

For workshops and companies specialized in the production of CNC machining, obviously, with the logical evolution of society, it is more than necessary to improve and advance technology as well. The current demands make an urgent call to this imperative necessity and, for that reason, in the trade fairs and conventions of the sector, we proceed to demonstrate that surplus that, year after year, concerns the great companies of the whole world. Example of this, this year’s EMO in Milan. Scheduled on the agenda of all those who want to discover more about progress in everything related to CNC machining, this October you will be able to enjoy the most surprising innovations in the industry, such as this particularity that we highlighted a few lines back: evolution Of precision in CNC machining.

In Mecánica Curiel, a company of reference in the city of Barcelona in the elaboration of precision CNC machining of diverse variety, we like to be informed of the latest investigations and of the advances that of these occur. For this reason, the new proposals and improvements in the precision control of the CNC machine tools, is a news of great value to which we can not leave reference.

Precisely, it will be in that convention in Italy next October, where all these advances will be demonstrated in the precision of the CNC machining, with the live presentation of the most current numerical control, the TNC 640, by the firm Heidenhain , With clear demonstrations of a highly precise position measurement, with linear and angular measuring systems in closed loop regulation, for greater efficiency and higher precision. This also includes optimized movement guidance that takes care of short CNC machining times, combined with perfect surface quality and high part precision.

Thanks to the fact that, more and more 3D printing is gaining adherents in the world of CNC machining, these machines, for that greater precision, include a 3D simulation chart that allows a realistic simulation of the CNC machining program, as well as A previous evaluation to detect errors in the program and possibilities of optimization, before even starting to mechanize.

The enormous importance of precision in CNC machining to guarantee 100% faithful, effective and useful parts is vital to our work. The horizon, for the moment, seems to have no end. But that is what also helps us to improve and continue to dream of learning new techniques and specializations.
